Ginger ,which is commonly used in cooking all over the world is also used as medicine for various illness in Siddha/Ayurveda. It is rich in B6, copper ,potassium and magnesium . Ginger is supposed to decrease the joint pain in arthritis,boost immune system,protect against various cancer,and also digestive problems.It is recognised as safe by FDA . It is also said to have blood thinning properties .
This recipe was taught by Aranganur paati,my cousins grandma..I loved it when i tasted it .so got recipe from her immediately.The measurements arexactly what she gave me.
Samabar Onion-1 cup(since i didn't have samabar onion i used big onion )
Salt- to taste
Methi powder- 1tsp
Chilli powder-1 tsp
tamarind- 1 big lemon size
oil-200 Gram
Turmeric powder-1 tsp
Asefotida- pinch
Jaggery-1 tbs
1)Grind ginger,garlic,onion to fine paste.
2)Soak tamarind in water and extract thick pulp.
3)Heat oil add ginger paste and cook well.
4)Add tamarind paste,salt, chilli powder and cook well.
5)Add jaggery and cook.
6)Before removing this thokku from fire add methi powder and asfetodia.
Goes well with rice.Mix thokku with hot plain rice along with gingelly oil....tastes yummy......
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