

It must be surprising for many of us to hear about rice sundal !!It was for me when my mother in law first showed me this. i have never heard of this before that or tasted this...but now its one of my favorites.
For me its a hybrid of Venpongal and Upma.
 Well the reason for doing this for this navaratri was Monday- Navagraha Thingal/moon is associated with rice  so as i normally do sundal according to days/ navagraha
Monday- Moon(chandiran)-Rice
Tuesday-Mars(sevvai)-Tuvar dhal
Wednesday -Mercury(Bhudan)-Green gram dhal
Friday-Venus(Sukkaran)-Mochai(Kidney or field bean)
Saturday-Saturn(sani) Till
Other grahas being Rahu and Kethu -Urad and Horse gram respectively and they are treated similar to saturn and mars respectively.
Now coming to my post
 It was the turn for Rice on last monday. So i made 2 dishes for Moon god...being a lover of moon..yeah love to look at full moon... it has always fascinated me... not just me many...any ways. Here is this simple and tasty different recipe which my mother in law told was Tanjore special.
Rice -3/4 cup
Moong dhal-1/4 cup
Oil for seasoning
Urad dhal- for seasoning
Green or red chilli for seasoning , to taste
 salt to taste
Asefotida -pinch
Turmeric -pinch(optional)
Curry leaf- few
Water- about 2 cups

Ummmm that's it... lets start cook ..
1) Heat a pan and dry fry rice and dhal till nice aroma comes.(do not make it brown)and keep aside.
2)Heat a oil in a pan and season with mustard,urad chilli, asefotida,curry leaf.
3)Add water and salt.(turmeric if preferred) and bring it to boil.
4)Now add the rice and dhal and reduce the flame to medium and cover and cook.
Serve with coconut chutney.

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