

This Indian 'Dougnut',Badusha always sounds royal to me 'Badshah'-meaning king.For me its truly king of sweets. My amma  used to make yummy colourful- meaning garnished with colourful dessicated coconut Badhusha. Actually  I think it was this colourful dessicated coconut that attracted me more than the taste :P

Here is the recipe she gave me:
Maida/All purpose flour- 1cup
Butter-100 gr(melted)
Soda bi carb- about 1/4 tsp(little more than a pinch)
Curds/Yogurt-1 tsp
Salt - pinch
Water -to mix
Sugar-1 cup
Water-1/2 cup
Chopped Almond or dessicated coconut.


1)Rub soda bi carb and melted butter along with salt well.(we can see change in colour to white)
2) Add sieved Maida slowly , mix well to get bread crumbs sort of consistency.
3)Now Add Curds/yogurt to the flour and mix again. Add little water to the flour and mix well to get soft dough.
4)Simuntaneously heat water and sugar to  sticky syrup consistency(1 string) and keep in simmer
5)Make small  size balls out of the dough and press each ball lightly and make a dent in the center.
6)Heat oil and fry the badhushas till golden brown and put them in the syrup  immediately.
7)After few minutes remove them and roll one side on dessicated coconut or garnish with almond.


  1. My MIl makes the same way but use ghee :) love it a lot.

  2. Thanks chitra.Yes my mom too makes with ghee sometimes.one done with ghee tastes really good.


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